Sail Into a Brighter Smile

5 Best Root Canal Alternative Treatments

5 Best Root Canal Alternative Treatments

A tooth root dental model

Root canal treatment is a perfect way to get rid of the infected pulp once and for all. There is no doubt that it sets you free from all the tooth filling troubles for many years. It is always recommended if you have certain symptoms that you definitely need root canal treatment; however, it is […]

Root Canal on Front Tooth: Procedure, Pain and Cost

Root canal treatment on three front teeth

Many people are confused about the root canal procedure on the front tooth because they have been hearing about root canal over the molars. Well, the root canal procedure is all about pulling out the infectious pulp from the decayed tooth and filling it with an alternative material to restore the tooth ability. This procedure […]

How Many Types of Root Canal Are There?

A tooth and root canal treatment on it

People do not know the types of root canal. Most people do not even know the exact procedure of a root canal. Some people just know the basics about root canal treatment but do not know that there are some root canal treatment types too. You should be aware of the fact that all concerned […]

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost in the U.S?

Root canal graphical image and dollar sign

The root canal cost in the U.S varies depending on the signs that show you need a root canal. If your tooth is having a cavity no more than two weeks, it may be cured smoother or with a simple root canal procedure but if you haven’t taken care of the cavity so far and […]

9 Signs You Need Help With Endodontics

Woman with tootache

If the root of the tooth has an infection, it is most likely due to an endodontic abscess or other condition that is below the root spreading up through the tooth. This is why it is crucial to seek professional treatment from an endodontist who has the experience and tools to properly perform the necessary […]

Endodontics: Expectations vs Reality


When it comes down to figuring out the correct oral health method, keep endodontics in mind. Many general dentistry’s are bringing on more endodontics to help assist due to their experience. The endodontics definition is the branch of dentistry concerned with diseases and injuries of the soft tissue inside of a tooth. Endodontics treatments would […]